Be Beautiful Mobile Application

A user friendly mobile application created as a pitch for Be Beautiful India, to accomplish their goal to provide personalised beauty content curated for users according to their needs and likes.


UI Design for a mobile application for BeBeautiful, India by VMLYR


Sharmeen Aziz as part of VMLYR (UI Design)
Fatima Bibi as part of VMLYR (UX Design)
Shreya Saraf as part of VMLYR (UX Design)


Sept 2021
(1 month)


Know yourself better

Be Beautiful is a content platform that operates with one goal in mind — making beauty more personal. Their existing website had too much unruly content and no clear organisation. We proposed a mobile application that revolved around a user’s beauty needs, while collecting valuable information about the user’s habits, likes and preferences and then accordingly curating content for them.

This application would provide users with a useful and lifelike chatbot for all their queries. It would pose a very well designed and interactive questionnaire that would feel almost like a game to the user and then give helpful suggestions and blog content. Some additional features included reward points for the user for their social media sharing and activities and also give them a chance to write their own content if they would like.

This approach was loved by the team at Be Beautiful and led to a very lucrative relationship between them and all of us at VMLYR India.


Beauty Docket (Desktop)

Application Home

Questionnaire Design

Chatbot Design

Blog Design

Badge Design